2002b). An alternative approach is to dark adapt cells in air-tight containers, in which the culture medium becomes anaerobic via the cells’ own respiration. This approach is suitable
for testing both hydrogenase gene expression and in vivo H2 evolution, even if the latter is usually Angiogenesis inhibitor very low in the dark (Gfeller and Gibbs 1984) and short-lived in the light due to photosynthetic oxygen evolution (Ghirardi et al. 1997). A relatively high, but very transient H2 production in green algae can be 4SC-202 research buy observed after a sudden dark–light shift of cells which had become anaerobic in the dark and started to express the hydrogenase gene. As light is switched on, a sudden and rampant H2 evolution can be observed, which, however, lasts only for a few minutes (Mus et al. 2005). In this system, the hydrogenase accepts electrons produced by PSII until the Calvin Benson cycle is activated and the hydrogenase is inhibited by the rising O2 concentration in the medium. Because of the very slow rates of H2 evolution in the dark, and the transient-only H2 production in the light, a meaningful role and metabolic purpose of the plastidic FeFe-hydrogenase remained unclear for around 60 years of the related research. However, a breakthrough discovery, enabling a relatively high-rate and sustained H2 production activity in illuminated C. reinhardtii cultures, was reported
by Melis and co-workers (Melis et al. 2000; Ghirardi et al. 2000). A critical condition that was applied in the development selleck chemicals llc of this methodology was the lowering of the rate of photosynthesis to about the level of cellular respiration, enabling the cell’s own respiration to consume photosynthetically generated O2, thereby permitting Acyl CoA dehydrogenase unimpeded expression and function of the FeFe-hydrogenase pathway. A balanced photosynthesis–respiration activity is currently the platform of choice for research in this field, employed in several labs in many countries. It was originally attained upon a sulphur (S) nutrient deprivation from the growth medium of the cells, the absence of which caused a slowdown
of the rate of photosynthesis (Wykoff et al. 1998) to a level just lower than that of respiration (Melis et al. 2000), thereby resulting in the establishment of those preconditions necessary for H2 evolution activity. Such internally induced anaerobiosis allowed the expression of the HYDA1 gene and permitted the HydA1 enzyme to become active. During S deprivation and H2 production, C. reinhardtii cells stop growth and down-regulate CO2 assimilation (Melis et al. 2000; Hemschemeier et al. 2008). Thus, the major photosynthetic electron sink is no longer operative. Instead, the hydrogenase pathway is activated, leading to proton reduction and H2 production, thus becoming an alternative sink for photosynthetic electron transport (Fig. 1). The latter stays active at least in the electron transport chain starting at the plastoquinone (PQ) pool (Wykoff et al.