3 Signs and symptoms are typically associated with cough, alterations in color of respiratory secretions, dyspnea, chest dyscomfort, fever or hypothermia and sweating. In addition, community acquired pneumonia might present with non-specific symptoms like fatigue, myalgia, anorexia, headache, as well as abdominal pain. 3 On the contrary,
pneumonia is considered as the most frequent extra-abdominal cause of acute abdominal pain in children. 1 and 2 The lack of association of pneumonia with abdominal pain in adults results in unnecessary delay in the diagnosis and administration of appropriate treatment. Apart from infections of the Rigosertib chemical structure upper and lower respiratory tract,3S. pneumoniae is an unusual but not rare cause of bone and joint infections. 4 In fact, S. pneumoniae is responsible for up to 3–10% of cases of bacterial Bcl-2 expression septic arthritis in adults. 5 Migratory polyarthritis is a frequent symptom in the primary care. The differential diagnosis
includes infectious causes (e.g. Lyme disease, Chlamydia) reactive arthritis, palindromic rheumatoid arthritis, crystal induced arthropathy, as well as autoimmune diseases. 6 The development of migratory arthritis in the case of our patient may be attributed to the hematogenous seed of S. pneumoniae. Concluding, community acquired pneumonia is a condition that should be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of abdominal pain in adults, in order to achieve immediate therapeutic intervention. In addition, the development of migratory arthritis might be associated with mafosfamide the bacteremia of S. pneumoniae. The authors have no conflicts of interest. The present study did not receive any specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sector. Eleni Armeni: blood drawing, clinical examination of the patient, manuscript drafting Vasiliki Mylona: supervision and coordination of the clinical and laboratory examinations as well as of the therapeutic interventions George Karlis: manuscript drafting, clinical examination of the patient Elias Makrygiannis: director
of the Internal Medicine Department, final editing of the manuscript “
“A 72-year old never smoker presented with lethargy and exertional breathlessness of two months’ duration. Nine months previously on a holiday to Italy she had experienced malaise and minor haemoptysis, the latter of which recurred intermittently. The only past medical history was of osteoporosis, for which she took calcium supplements. Initial history taking revealed no other regular medication use or exposure to birds, animals or organic materials. A chest radiograph two months prior to initial hospital assessment showed consolidation in the right mid zone and prominent markings in both lower zones (Fig. 1); these changes were resolving one month later (Fig. 2). Initial spirometry produced a forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) 2.03L and forced vital capacity (FVC) 2.