5 and 142mmHg, whereas no necrosis was observed in islets within

5 and 142mmHg, whereas no necrosis was observed in islets within PFC alginate capsules. The findings and insights gained from

both the theoretical and experimental studies will increase the probability of a successful cell therapy for the treatment of diseases such as diabetes. The concept of “backpacks” discussed earlier with respect to drug chaperones can also be applied to encapsulation techniques and tissue therapies. The commonality rests with the use of nanofabrication approaches to create these entities, for example, the photolithographic method reported Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical previously [31, 32]. The product of this manufacturing step can be either the cell-backpack complexes or freely suspended backpacks. Since these backpacks can Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical carry a myriad of compounds with differing functionalities, their applications seem boundless. Of particular interest here with respect to tissue engineering is the ability of these freely suspended backpacks to promote cell aggregate self-assembly. The size of these aggregates, as influenced by backpack diameter and ratio of cells to backpacks in the culture medium, has been shown to be reproducible [32]. Furthermore, the binding strength is quite strong; which was demonstrated by forcing the complexes through small pores and noting that the backpacks were not removed from the AZD6738 surface of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the cells.

The importance lies in the ability to use injection techniques (as in a needle tip of a syringe assemble), or for the movement from blood to tissue (extravasation) via narrow gaps. Based on these successes, one can envision applications Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that would create organoids of various types, such as lymphoid and beta cell clusters (analogous to islet of Langerhans). In these cases, the cargo could consist of drugs, adjuvants, and/or growth factors (for angiogenesis stimulation, reproduction, etc.). There also appears the potential for wound healing protocols. To

support our conjectures, some specific results should be elucidated. In their paper [32], the Cohen group Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical presents fundamental studies on forming cellular aggregates using injectable cellular backpacks, how to control aggregate size, and observations on association strength. Using confocal microscopy, flow cytometry, and laser diffraction, they observed that, while very large (>1mm) aggregates can form, they may also dissociate Florfenicol and reform. Aggregates were forced through a nylon mesh filter and observed afterward: as the filter size decreased, resultant aggregates were smaller. When the pore size was reduced to less than the diameter of an individual cell, the backpacks were still attached. This implied to them that the attachment is sufficiently strong such that the backpacks would remain attached to a lymphocyte undergoing extravasation in vivo.

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