In the case of Kid/KIF22, the cellular labeling was also different between each normal tissue sample and its tumor counterpart (Figure 3b, e). In normal cells, the protein was mostly cytoplasmic, localized in perinuclear areas (Figure 3b), while in malignant cells
the expression was more diffuse (nuclear and cytoplasmic), with a punctuate this website pattern observed mostly in nuclei (Figure 3e). Figure 3 Expression of SIAH-1 and Kid/KIF22 in paired normal and tumor breast tissues from the same patient. Normal (a, b and c) and tumor (d, buy CBL0137 e and f) frozen breast tissue from the same patient are showed. (a) and (d) show SIAH-1 expression (detected as in Figure2), (b) and (e) show Kid/KIF22 expression detected using polyclonal chicken anti-Kid/KIF22 and anti-chicken-FITC as secondary antibody. (c) and (f) are overlay images of its respective SIAH-1 and Kid/KIF22 expression. SIAH-1 and Kid/KIF22 mRNA expression in normal and tumor tissues We have previously analyzed the effect of SIAH-1 on Kid/KIF22 protein expression in MCF-7 cells stably transfected with SIAH-1 cDNA. The level of endogenous Kid/KIF22 protein TH-302 concentration was markedly reduced in clones overexpressing SIAH-1, whereas by Northern blot analysis we did not observe a reduction in Kid/KIF22 mRNA synthesis but rather an
increase [3]. To further the relationship of Kid/KIF22 and SIAH-1 mRNA expression in physiological conditions and in tumoral processes, a quantitative RT-PCR of SIAH-1 and Kid/KIF22, in paired normal and cancerous breast only tissues
from the same patient was ran. Overall, samples were obtained from 50 patients, however mRNA quantification of coupled samples was only possible for 25 due to the low yield or poor quality of the extracted RNA from some of the tissues. The mRNAs were normalized related to the number of mRNA copies of the housekeeping gene β2 microglobulin. Important variations in the number of mRNAs copies amongst the samples were observed. Representative results from some of studied patients are showed in Figure 4. The number of SIAH1 copies extends from 1,48 to 61,6 × 103 (with a median of 17,41 × 103) for normal tissues and from 0.35 × 103 to 52,04 × 103 copies (with a median of 5,73 × 103) in tumoral tissues. Comparison of the paired normal and tumoral samples from patients, revealed that in 19 of 25 cases (76%), the level of SIAH-1 mRNA was reduced in breast cancer tissues compared to their corresponding non-cancerous breast tissue. In some of the samples the mRNA expression was remarkably reduced, more than 90% and in most cases the decrease was higher than 50%. Figure 4 SIAH-1 and Kid/KIF22 mRNA expression in paired normal and tumor breast tissues from the same patients.