Acknowledgements In memoriam of the Professor Gustavo Linares-Cru

Acknowledgements In memoriam of the Professor Gustavo Linares-Cruz (1956-2005). (*) PF and LV have equally contributed

to this article and must be considered as 2nd authors and M-PP and DP as 3rd authors. We thank Dr M. Mate (Uruguay) for surgical procedures, Dr. J. Carzoglio (Uruguay) for histological evaluation of the breast tumors and Dr Susan Powell for manuscript corrections. This work was supported by the action U03S03 from the ECOS-Sud program (France-Uruguay). Comisión Honoraria de Lucha Contra el Cáncer (CHLCC), Uruguay. References 1. Carthew RW, Rubin GM: Seven in absentia, a gene required for specification of R7 cell fate in the Drosophila eye. Cell 1990, 63:561–77.PubMedCrossRef 2. Hu G, Fearon ER: Siah-1 N-terminal RING domain is required for proteolysis function, and C-terminal eFT-508 order sequences regulate oligomerization and binding to target proteins. Mol Cell INCB28060 cost Biol 1999,19(1):724–32.PubMed 3. Germani A, Bruzzoni-Giovanelli H, selleck chemical Fellous A, Gisselbrecht S, Varin-Blank N, Calvo F: SIAH-1 interacts with α-tubulin and degrades the kinesin Kid by proteasome pathway during mitosis. Oncogene 2000, 19:5997–6006.PubMedCrossRef 4. Santelli E, Leone M, Li C, Fukushima T, Preece NE,

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