Analysing the production of IFN-γ and TNF-α, we saw a significant

Analysing the production of IFN-γ and TNF-α, we saw a significant production by CD8+ T cells, which may reflect the initial immune response that is formed right after the infection. This suggests an attempt to control the parasite, because they are strongly related to the induction of a Th1 profile and therefore the parasite elimination (7,13,14). However, this production was not significant when compared to the control group, Selinexor concentration which hints that this response is being downregulated by modulatory cytokines, such as IL-10 and IL-4, which were produced in significant amounts by our patients during the infection. This fact might also be explained by the patients’ smaller percentage of CD8+ T cells when compared

to the control group and therefore fewer cells to produce these relevant cytokines under stimulation, as also seen by other groups (3,8,9). The transient dysregulation of T-cell responses associated with lower percentage of CD8+ T cells, at the initial stages of ACL, allows the disease to advance, given that the cure of leishmaniasis is related to the

presence of a strong Th1 response and memory (3,7,8,16). This study showed that a down-modulation of the Th1 type response occurs at the initial phase of L. braziliensis disease, being the antigenic fractions capable of stimulating a specific immune response. We thank the platform PDTIS/Flow Cytometry (RPT08F) Fiocruz. We are grateful to L. F. da Rocha for technical assistance. This study was supported by the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq)

and by the State of Pernambuco Research Foundation Wnt inhibitor review (FACEPE). “
“The immune system is unique in representing a network of interacting cells of enormous complexity and yet being based on single cells travelling around the body. The development of effective and regulated immunity relies upon co-ordinated migration of each cellular component, which is regulated by diverse signals provided by the tissue. Co-ordinated migration is particularly relevant to the recirculation of primed T cells, which, while performing continuous immune surveillance, need to promptly localize to antigenic sites, reside for a time sufficient to carry out their effector function and then efficiently leave the tissue to avoid bystander damage. Recent advances that have helped aminophylline to clarify a number of key molecular mechanisms underlying the complexity and efficiency of memory T-cell trafficking, including antigen-dependent T-cell trafficking, the regulation of T-cell motility by costimulatory molecules, T-cell migration out of target tissue and fugetaxis, are reviewed in this article. Fifty years ago, J. Gowans1 discovered that lymphocytes possess the unique property of recirculating continuously between the blood, lymphoid tissues and lymph. Extravasation of most leucocytes is unidirectional and mediated by cell-specific but non-tissue-selective inflammatory stimuli.

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