Genomic profiling of NK cells either after viral infection or fro

Genomic profiling of NK cells either after viral infection or from the tumor microenvironment has shed light on some of these suppression mechanisms. Moreover, genomic profiling has led to further understanding of NK-cell-derived leukemias/lymphomas as well as why functional NK cells are useful as an adoptive immunotherapy against some tumors [16, 17, 86]. NK cells have been shown to lose functionality in HIV-infected individuals

when these individuals become viremic [87]. To investigate the effect of HIV-envelope glycoproteins (gp120) on physiologic NK-cell functions, DNA microarray analyses were performed on freshly isolated human NK cells in the presence or absence of R5- or X4-subtype HIV gp120 envelopes [85]. A profound number of cellular abnormalities was shown to occur at the level of gene expression upon treatment of NK cells with Vincristine HIV gp120, including upregulation of apoptosis-related genes (Casp3) and downregulation of genes important for cell proliferation (Nmyc) and innate immune defense (Ncr3) [84]. The microarray data were further validated by phenotypic and functional characterization,

showing that both the X4 and R5 subtypes of gp120 suppress NK-cell cytotoxicity, proliferation, and Saracatinib mw the ability to secrete IFN-γ [84]. These findings suggest that antiretroviral therapy may decrease HIV envelope induced suppressive effects on NK cells and contribute to partially restoring NK-cell function during HIV infection [85, 88]. NK cells are a major component of the antitumor immune response and function to suppress tumor progression [5,

89]. However, the effect of the tumor microenvironment on NK cells remains controversial. Our group investigated the phenotypic profile of tumor-infiltrating NK (TINK) cells in nonsmall-cell lung carcinoma, and we found that tumor tissues harbor a substantial CD11b–CD27– NK-cell population displaying an immature and inactive phenotype with low Chloroambucil CD16, CD57, CD226, and NKp30 expression [90]. The tumor microenvironment may thus induce a specific gene expression signature that renders TINK cells less tumoricidal, thereby contributing to cancer progression [90, 91]. By comparative microarray analysis of purified human NK cells isolated from tumoral and nontumoral lung tissues from 12 nonsmall-cell lung carcinoma patients, Gillard-Bocquet et al. characterized the transcriptional profile of TINK cells and confirmed that the tumor microenvironment induced specific gene expression modifications in these cells [19]. They found that TINK cells expressed higher mRNA levels of the NKG2A inhibitory receptor, granzymes A and K, Fas, CXCR5, and CXCR6 compared to nontumoral NK cells, but had lower expression of CX3CR1 and S1PR1 [19].

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