In spite of the large body of knowledge on phytopathogens much remains
to be discovered about their diversity and closest relatives (see papers on Cochliobolus, Phyllosticta and Venturiales in this volume). In addition to this a large majority of the members in this class are endophytes, epiphytes or saprobes with smaller numbers occurring as lichens and hyperparasites. Several groups, previously defined using morphological characters, still resist efforts at culturing but DNA sampling reveal a surprising range of genetic diversity (see papers on Microthyriaceae and Astrosphaeriella in this volume). The anamorphs of several dothideomycetous groups are often overlooked and the study on Tubeufiaceae in this volume show how careful studies can reveal new genera based on
production this website of distinct anamorphs. Dothideomycetes adapted to aquatic environments have already yielded lineages AZD9291 with distinctive genetic variations and this is expanded for the Aliquandostipitaceae and associated species in this volume. The ‘sooty molds’ is a group with a high level of documented morphological diversity, much of which is highly plastic. Members reside in two classes but a study on dothideomycetous Capnodiaceae expands the knowledge of this family in this volume. Finally, lichenized species make up a highly diverse set of species in Dothideomycetes and they are investigated in more detail within this volume. Previous molecular studies on Dothideomycetes suffer from a shortage of sequences from type or authentic material. Many of the papers in this volume (Aliquandostipitaceae, Astrosphaeriella, Capnodiaceae, Cochliobolus, Microthyriaceae, Phyllosticta, Tubeufiaceae) use or discuss type, epitype or authentic sequences or epitypify fresh collections and thus provide data CYTH4 on relationships at various taxonomic levels
that can be followed with more confidence than before. Conrad L. Schoch and Kevin D. Hyde”
“Introduction The past 50 years is a period that was influenced by transformative changes in the life sciences, particularly in the past 25 years, which had a profound impact on the oomycete research community. The title of this paper was inspired by Clive Brasier (2009, 2008) who made a similar statement regarding the biosystematics of Phytophthora species which I believe describes well many of the research and developments trends in the oomycetes as a whole. The estimated number of oomycete species is relatively small when compared to other fungal taxonomic groups and in the middle of the 20th century, there was some consolidation in many of the taxonomic groups. With the advent of recombinant DNA technology a new era began in classification, biodiversity discovery and the study of oomycete biology in general. This historical overview will focus primarily on oomycete biodiversity, systematics and phylogenetics.