Moulting in crustaceans is und

Moulting in crustaceans is under the hormonal control of ecdysteroids, which in C. sapidus peak in pre moult and return to basal levels in the post moult stage. The results presented here reflect this pattern of hormo nal stimulation of mitochondrial transcription, as the moult cycle progresses in P. pelagicus, genes associated with energy production including mitochondrial and ribosomal transcripts, show an increase in expression levels across consecutive stages of the moult cycle. A similar expression profile occurs for further tran scripts of ATP synthase, arginine kinase and fumerase. These transcripts show down regulation in the moult and post moult stages and then an increase in expression levels in the intermoult and pre moult stages. Phosphagen kinases function in temporal Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries ATP buffering and in intracellular energy transport.

Phosphagen kinases are abundant in muscle, where they maintain ATP homeostasis during muscle contraction, in the gills which function Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries in nitrogen excretion and gas exchange and in cell migration. Inter estingly, arginine kinase is the sole phosphagen kinase found in arthropods. The enzymatic activity of argi nine kinase in C. maenas was found to vary significantly according to tissue type with the highest levels observed in the claw muscle. Given the important role that arginine kinase plays in energy production we postulate that ATP buffering by arginine kinase may occur tempo rally as well as spatially in order to meet the fluctuating metabolic requirements experienced across the moult in Cluster D. The transcripts identified in this group include P.

pelagicus cuticle protein genes BD1, BD2, CUT1, CUT2, CUT3, CUT4, CUT6, CUT12, CUT13, CB3, P. pelagicus vermiform cuticle protein VER3 like, and C. quadricar cycle. The enzyme fumarase facilitates the production of energy in the form of NADH in the mitochondria. The Brefeldin_A expression profiles observed here for fumarase, suggest that it could Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries be important in meeting the high energy demands Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of growth during the moult cycle. Cuticular protein expression Transcripts encoding cuticular proteins represent 14% of the total cDNAs isolated in this microarray study. Sev eral patterns of moult cycle differential expression were observed for cuticular proteins, implying that each group has a specific but varying function depending on which stage of the moult cycle up regulation is detected. For instance a peak in expression during intermoult was found to occur for cuticle proteins CUT7 and CUT8. This expression pattern was also identified using an indepen dent data analysis method, where up regulation was observed in intermoult when compared to both post moult and early pre moult, both of these transcripts code for proteins that contain three cuticle 1 domains.

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