n the conte t of apoptosis. Apoptosis can indeed alter e pression of surface markers but might also modulate antibody reactivity of cells, making the analyses of podoplanin e pression by apoptotic cells a technically challenging task. Our findings that two anti bodies, 18H5 and NZ 1, which were generated in differ ent species and recognize different but overlapping epitopes in podoplanin, both specifically bind to apoptotic cells, and that this reactivity depends on the availability of the antigen bind ing site suggests to us that binding is most likely specific. Furthermore, nested RT PCR detected podopla nin message in CEM��174 cells, suggest ing low levels of podoplanin e pression in these cells.
Importantly, the podoplanin message did not appreciably increase upon apoptosis induction, and treatment with cyclohe imide did Brefeldin_A not block specific staining of apoptotic cells with podoplanin antibodies. Therefore, one must assume that podoplanin protein is present within CEM��174 cells and other cell types, and that the protein becomes accessible to antibody staining only upon induc tion of apoptosis. If the latter process is due to specific transport of podoplanin to the cell surface or to mem brane disintegration during apoptosis could not be con clusively determined. Regardless of the mechanism underlying reactivity of apoptotic cells with podoplanin specific antibodies, podoplanin was not detected on HIV infected viable and apoptotic cells, indicating that podoplanin e pression is not altered in the conte t of HIV infection.
Collectively, our data help to understand how HIV interacts with CLEC 2, an HIV attachment factor on platelets. Several lines of evidence suggest that this inter action could impact HIV spread in infected patients. For one, thrombocytopenia is fre quent in HIV AIDS patients, and it is conceivable that CLEC 2 dependent binding of HIV to platelets results in platelet clearance and thus contributes to reduced platelet counts. In addition, the interaction of HIV with CLEC 2 on platelets might induce platelet acti vation, which was found to be associated with HIV infec tion. Moreover, CLEC 2 dependent HIV binding to platelets might result in trans infection or virus degrada tion, and both processes could impact viral load and disease development.
Finally, it is worth noting that liver sinusoidal endothelial cells and megakaryocytes also e press CLEC 2 and that both cell types are suscepti ble to HIV infection, which might be modulated by CLEC 2. In summary, CLEC 2 is e pressed on several cell types e posed to HIV in patients and thus has the potential to modulate viral spread. Conclusions Our results highlight that incorporation of cellular factors can alter HIV attachment to cells and cell to cell trans mission. While podoplanin is unlikely to be incorporated into HIV particles produced in infected patients, our results indicate that HIV might incorporate a functional analogue of podoplanin in vivo, and that this process might promo