Plant J 2005, 43:811–823 CrossRefPubMed 33 Xu XM, Moller SG: AtS

Plant J 2005, 43:811–823.CrossRefPubMed 33. Xu XM, Moller SG: AtSufE is an essential activator of plastidic and mitochondrial desulfurases in Arabidopsis. Embo J 2006, 25:900–909.CrossRefPubMed 34. Yoo SD, Cho YH, Sheen J: Arabidopsis mesophyll protoplasts: a versatile cell system for transient gene expression analysis. Nat Protoc 2007, 2:1565–1572.CrossRefPubMed Authors’ contributions YH, HG, MZ and YH designed the experiments. MZ and JJ carried out the experiments. HG, YH, and MZ analyzed the data and wrote the paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Background check details Gender identity disorder (GID)

is a condition in which a person identifies as belonging to the opposite gender as the one he or she was birthed to and whereby this person feels significant discomfort about this condition. Transsexualism Alpelisib manufacturer is considered as the most extreme form of gender identity disorder [1] and will most typically require sex reassignment surgery (SRS) following the Standards of Care of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH), formerly known as the ‘Harry Benjamin Gender Dysphoria Association’ (HBIGDA) [2]. In male-to-female transsexual patients, also called ‘transsexual women’, this SRS consists of removal of the male reproductive organs (testes and penis), creation of a neovagina (vaginoplasty) and -clitoris and, in most patients, implantation of breast prostheses. Since the start of the gender

team at our institution (Ghent University Hospital) we performed SRS in more than 400 male-to-female transsexual individuals. For the creation of the neovagina in transsexual women we use the technique of the inverted penile skin flap to line a newly created space between the prostate-bladder and the rectum. This technique is nowadays the standard technique for creation of the vagina in transsexual patients [3]. Under normal conditions, the lower female genital tract

harbors a commensal microflora that primarily consists of lactobacilli which confer antimicrobial protection to the vagina. In addition, under adequate vaginal estrogen levels, the vaginal epithelium and its associated mucous layers help to regulate and support the intrinsic bacterial and mucosal defense system [4]. However, in case the vaginal hydrogen peroxide producing lactobacilli fail to sustain, an overgrowth Glutathione peroxidase by other bacteria occurs, as is most typically observed with commensal bacterial vaginosis-associated micro-organisms [5]. These commensals include Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Prevotella spp., anaerobic Gram-positive cocci, Mobiluncus spp. and Mycoplasma hominis. While the composition of the normal vaginal microflora (VMF) has been extensively studied by conventional culture techniques and molecular methods [6, 7], thus far, there is no information in the literature on the vaginal microflora in transsexual women treated with the technique of the inverted penile skin flap.

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