Scale bars: a, c, d, f, i, j = 1.3 mm. b, e = 2 mm. g, h = 0.5 mm. k, r–u = 10 μm. l = 100 μm. m = 0.8 mm. n, p = 25 μm. o, q = 15 μm MycoBank MB 516692 Anamorph: Trichoderma neorufoides Jaklitsch, sp. nov. Fig. 11 Fig. 11 Cultures and anamorph of Hypocrea neorufoides. a–c. Cultures (a. on CMD, 21 days; b. on PDA, 21 days; c. on SNA, 14 days). d, e Conidiation shrubs (d. SNA, 11 days; e. CMD, 10 days). f, g. Conidiophores of effuse conidiation on growth plates (SNA, 4–9 days). h, k–n. Conidiophores from shrubs; h. SNA, 9 days; k–n. CMD, 13 days). i, j. Conidiophores of effuse conidiation (CMD, 9 days). o–q. Phialides from shrubs (SNA, 9 days;). r–t. Conidia (CMD; r, s. from effuse conidiation,
6–12 days; t. from shrubs, 11 days). a–t. All at 25°C. a–h, o, q, s–t. CBS 119506. i, j. VX-661 order C.P.K. 2357. k, n. C.P.K. 1900. r. C.P.K. 2451. Scale bars: a–c = 15 mm. d, e = 100 μm. f = 50 μm. g,
j, l, m = 20 μm. h, i, k = 30 μm. n–q = 10 μm. r–t = 5 μm MycoBank MB 516693 Differt ab Hypocrea neorufa genetice, incremento optimo ad temperaturam inferiorem et anamorphosi. Anamorphosis Trichoderma neorufoides; conidiophora effuse disposita et in pustulis parvis et planis, albis vel pallide luteis in agaris CMD et PDA, viridibus in agaro SNA. Smad inhibitor Conidiophora gradatim transeuntia de typo verticillii ad typum pachybasii, typice ad basim sterilia. Phialides in pustulis divergentes, variabiles, lageniformes, (5.5–)7–14(–20) × (2.5–)3.0–4.0(–5.0) μm. Conidia pallide viridia, ellipsoidea vel oblonga, glabra, (3.3–)3.8–5.2(–6.3) × (2.5–)2.7–3.2(–3.8) μm. Etymology: neorufoides denotes the resemblance and close relationship with Hypocrea neorufa. Stromata when fresh 1–6(–8) mm diam, to 2 mm thick, at first often thinly effuse, with white mycelial margin, becoming pulvinate or discoid, compact. Outline roundish, angular or irregular. Margin free, sides often steep, smooth, white or yellowish. Surface
downy when young, glabrous when mature, smooth or finely granular. mafosfamide Ostioles typically invisible, only rarely visible as darker dots, ostiolar openings appearing as minute, light reddish or hyaline convex dots under strong magnification. Stromata first yellow, yellow-Compound C mouse orange, yellow-brown, 4B5–7, 5DE5–8, light brown, orange-, reddish brown, 6CD5–8, 7CE6–8, 8D7–8, with age darkening, mostly dark brown, 7E7–8, or dark reddish or purplish brown, 8–9F7–8. Injured areas yellow due to yellow perithecia. Spore deposits white, less commonly yellowish. Stromata when dry (0.6–)1.0–3.6(–5.5) × (0.4–)0.7–2.7(–5.5) mm, (0.2–)0.3–0.7(–1.3) mm thick (n = 50). solitary, gregarious or densely aggregated in variable numbers, thinly effuse to distinctly pulvinate, broadly attached, with often persistent, radiating, white to yellowish base mycelium. Outline variable. Margin attached or free, white or yellow when young. Surface hairy when young, slightly velutinous when mature, smooth, tubercular or rugose.