Six micron transversally cut sections was

stained by haem

Six micron transversally cut sections was

stained by haematoxyl-eosin or toluidine blue to calculate the percent of both healthy myofibres with peripheral nuclei (peripherally nucleated fibres) and regenerating/regenerated myofibres, showing central nuclei (centrally nucleated fibres), as well as the area of necrosis and of non-muscle tissue. Morphometric analysis was performed on 10 cross sections from each experimental group by means of 3–4 animals per group, by using an Image Analysis software (Olympus Italia, Rozzano, Italy) [15,35]. A high inter-individual variability is generally observed in the histology profile of mdx mouse muscles; this implies the need of a greater number of animals for a detailed morphometric analysis.

However, the number of mice used in the present study allowed a general estimation of the presence of the typical signs of dystro-pathology in both untreated and drug-treated muscles. Plasma level of creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)  Blood was collected by heart puncture soon after animal death in EDTA/heparin rinsed centrifuged tubes. The blood was centrifuged at 3000 g for 10 min and plasma was separated and stored at −20°C. The relative activity of CK (a marker of sarcolemmal fragility) and lactate dehydrogenase (a marker of metabolic distress, especially in exercised animals) was estimated by standard spectrophotometric analysis by using diagnostic kits (Sentinel, Farmalab

– Italy) within 7 days from plasma preparation. Briefly, CK activity is determined with the CK-NAC see more Fossariinae liquid kit (Sentinel diagnostic) in a three-step reaction. This includes the formation of ATP from the dephosphorylation of creatine phosphate and its use by hexokinase in the conversion of glucose in glucose-6-phosphate. This latter is then finally transformed into 6-phosphogluconate by the glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase with the formation of NADPH. Thus, the time-dependent variation of absorbance at 340 nm due to NADPH production is a direct measure of CK activity in the sample. For the activity of LDH, the kit (LDH liquid – Sentinel Diagnostic) allows to measure the time-dependent variation of absorbance at 340 nm due to the degradation of NADH in the reaction of transformation of pyruvate into lactate. High-pressure liquid chromatography determination of taurine levels  TA muscles, soleus, heart and brain were weighed and homogenized with 10 ml of HClO4 (0.4 N) per g of tissue. The homogenized muscles were buffered with 80 µl K2CO3 (5.5 g/10 ml) for each millilitre of HClO4 used. The homogenates were centrifuged at 600 g for 10 min at 4°C. The supernatants were stored at −80°C until assay. This latter consisted in a high-pressure liquid chromatography determination [29].

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