The DNA microarray profile of ST30-IVc [2B]/t019 is homogeneous with the South Western Pacific (SWP) ST30-IV clone as is therefore not considered a WA CA-MRSA. WA68 harbors a type D IEC and tst-1genes. find more Clonal YM155 in vitro Complex 45 CC45 contains four PVL negative strains. Based on the agr group/capsule type the four isolates are divided into two groups which are further divided into subgroups based on the SCCmec
type. Group 1 agr group I/capsule 8 (two strains) i. SCCmec IVa [2B] contains WA75 (ST45/t1424). ii. SCCmec V [5C2] contains WA4 (ST45/t123) which harbors tst1 genes. Both strains harbor a type B IEC. The spa types are not closely related. Group 2 agr group IV/capsule type 8 (two strains) i. SCCmec IVc [2B] contains WA23 (ST45/t1575) ii. SCCmec V [5C2&5] contains WA84 (ST45/t1081). Both strains harbor a type B IEC and closely related spa types. Clonal Complex 59 CC59 agr type I/capsule
type 8 contains seven strains. The DNA microarray profiles of ST59/ST952-V [5C2&5] t437/t1950 are homogeneous with the Taiwan clone and therefore are not considered WA CA-MRSA [32]. Based on the SCCmec types the remaining five strains are divided into three subgroups: i. SCCmec EVP4593 IVa [2B] contains PVL positive WA55 and WA56 (ST59/t437). WA55 harbors a type B IEC while WA56 a type A IEC. ii. SCCmec IVb [2B] contains two PVL negative strains with unrelated spa types: WA73 (ST59/t528) and WA24 (ST87 [ST59slv]/t216). WA73 harbors a type C IEC (chp+scn) and WA24 a type B IEC. iii. SCCmec IVa [2B]&5 contains PVL negative WA15 (ST59/t976)
which harbors a type A IEC. Clonal Complex 72 CC72 contains two agr group I/capsule type 5 strains with closely related spa types. Based on the SCCmec type the two strains are divided into two subgroups: i. SCCmec IVa [2B] contains PVL positive WA44 (ST72/t791) harboring a type B IEC. ii. SCCmec V (5C2) contains PVL negative WA91 (ST72/t3092) harboring a type E IEC and tst1 genes. Clonal Complex 75 CC75 Florfenicol contains three PVL negative strains which are agr group/capsule nontypeable by DNA microarray: WA8 (ST75-IVa [2B]), WA79 (ST75-IVa [2B]) and WA72 (ST1304 [ST75slv]-IVa [2B]) [33]. The three strains have the same spa sequence (259-23-23-17-17-17-23-23-23-17-16) which has not been allocated a spa type number by the Ridom website. The three strains harbor a type E IEC. Clonal Complex 80 CC80 contains three PVL positive agr group III/capsule type 8 strains: ST80-IVc [2B]/t044, ST583 [ST80slv]-IVc [2B]/t044, and ST728 [ST80slv]-IVc [2B]/t044. The DNA microarray virulence profiles are identical with the European ST80-IV [2B] clone and therefore the three strains are not considered WA CA-MRSA. Clonal Complex 97 CC97 contains two PVL negative agr group I/capsule type 5 strains with closely related spa types: WA54 (ST953[ST97dlv]-IVa [2B]/t359) and WA63 (ST1174[ST97dlv]-IVa [2B]/t267). The strains harbor a type E IEC.