The library was then verified using conventional Sanger sequencing with DYEnamic Dye Terminator kits and a Megabace 1000 sequencer (GE Healthcare). Gel-purified blunt-ended PCR products (1.25-1.35 μg) were subjected to ultra-deep sequencing using the 454 FLX chemistry and sequencer (Roche) according to the manufacturer’s instructions at the time. Computational analysis Even though enriched for viruses, most of the sequenced samples contained a large fraction of human reads. For the purpose of analyzing the viral content of the data, human reads can be removed from the samples before assembly without affecting the results. The benefits of removing human MDV3100 Sequences pre-assembly include a heavily
reduced assembly time and a reduced risk of click here mis-assembly. Most human reads are highly homologous to human database sequences and can be identified with MegaBLAST [26]. Multiple NCBI databases (i.e., EST-Human, Human Genomic, and Human Genomic Transcripts) [27] were used to identify human reads. Highly repetitive human reads identified by MegaBLAST were also discarded. The remaining overlapping
reads were then assembled into contigs using miraEST [28] which can perform a hybrid assembly using both Roche/454 and traditional Sanger sequences. Before attempting to classify the contigs and singletons, highly repetitive sequences were eliminated using the DUST algorithm [29]. Remaining sequences were classified through a protocol of database alignment searches using NCBI BLAST PR-171 nmr [30]. Alignment search tools trade speed for sensitivity: for metagenomic datasets, efficient identification
of more distantly homologous matches is accomplished using progressively more sensitive searches (rather than a single sensitive search). Progressive searches were performed using MegaBLAST against NCBI NT, then using BLASTn against NCBI NT, and finally using BLASTx against P-type ATPase NCBI NR. For example, for a set of Roche/454 RNA reads, 70% of the remaining sequences were classified in the first step leaving far fewer data for the more time-consuming second and third steps. Sequences were then classified using the closest homologue defined by the alignment searches. Two main categories were built: classified sequences that are highly similar to a database sequence (> 90% identity with >70% query coverage) and “”remainder”" sequences that may contain new findings. Each category was split into taxonomy divisions and the virus division was further split into suitable virus subgroups to aid analysis. Total nucleic acid extraction and PCR of individual serum samples Serum samples (400 μl each) were used for total nucleic extraction using the Virus Mini M48 kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The automated extraction process was carried out in a Qiagen Biorobot M48. Presence of GBV-C virus in the samples was confirmed by nested PCR with primers specific for the 5′ UTR of virus RNA [31].