The phenazine operon has been well characterized in many
pseudomonads, with phzABCDEFG comprising the core biosynthetic locus [20]. In this study, proteins with locus tags MOK_01048 and MOK_01049, identified as phenazine biosynthesis protein A/B, were Selleckchem Nirogacestat significantly downregulated (Table 1). All phenazine-producing pseudomonads have an adjacent and nearly identical copy of the phzB gene, termed phzA[20]. PhzA catalyzes the condensation reaction of two ketone molecules in the phenazine biosynthesis pathway [20]. PhzF (identified as MOK_01053 in this study) works as an isomerase, converting trans-2,3-dihydro-3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (DHHA) into 6-amino-5-oxocyclohex-2-ene-1-carboxylic acid prior to the condensation reaction catalyzed by the PhzA/B proteins [20]. phzG encodes an FMN-dependent pyridoxamine oxidase (identified as MOK_01054 in this study), which is hypothesized to catalyze Stattic the conversion of DHHA to 5,10-Dihydro-PCA [21]. In some pseudomonads, genes downstream of the core biosynthetic operon are required for generation
of phenazine derivatives [22–24]. In P. chlororaphis 30–84, for example, phzO lies downstream of the core operon; PhzO is an aromatic hydroxylase that catalyzes the conversion of PCA into 2-OH-PHZ [23]. More recently, in P. chlororaphis gp72, the phzO gene was shown to convert PCA into 2-OH-PHZ through a 2-OH-PCA intermediate [25]. Like other P. chlororaphis strains, PA23 produces 2-OH-PHZ and we believe the downregulated aromatic ring hydroxylase (MOK_01055) is PhzO. Therefore, in the absence of a functional Dapagliflozin ptrA gene, four of the core phenazine biosynthetic enzymes (PhzA, PhzB, PhzF, PhzG) and one aromatic ring hydroxylase (PhzO) are significantly downregulated. The fact that PtrA
plays a critical role in regulating phz expression was not surprising considering the lack of orange pigment produced by the ptrA mutant (Figures 1 and 2A). Reduced phenazine expression was further substantiated by quantitative assays. As illustrated in Figure 2B, there is a 15-fold decrease in phenazine production in PA23-443 compared to the PA23 wild type. When ptrA was expressed in trans, some restoration of phenazine production was achieved. Chitinase production is under PtrA control Our iTRAQ proteomic results showed that two chitinase enzymes (MOK_03378 and MOK_05478) were significantly downregulated in the PA23-443 mutant (Table 1). These results were supported by chitinase assays, which clearly indicated no detectable MDV3100 purchase enzyme activity in the ptrA mutant (Table 2). Addition of plasmid-borne ptrA elevated chitinase activity close to that of the wild type (Table 2). Collectively our findings indicate that ptrA is necessary for chitinase production. The LTTR, ChiR, has been previously shown to indirectly regulate all chitinases produced in Serratia marcescens 2170 [26]. Proteomic analysis of a P.