We consider a “single-state

model” where there is only a

We consider a “single-state

model” where there is only a single energetic state available for each drug molecule in a given liposome. The single-state model excludes the presence of intraliposomal kinetics (the extension to a two-state model will be discussed below). We account for two different transport mechanisms: (i) transport through collisions between liposomes and (ii) transport via diffusion of drug molecules through the aqueous phase. Both mechanisms are schematically illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1 Transfer of a drug molecule (black bullets) from donor liposome (selleck screening library dark-shaded) to acceptor liposome Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (light-shaded) upon the collision of the two liposomes or upon diffusion of the drug molecule

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical through the aqueous phase. The displayed scheme refers to … Our transport model of drugs from donor to acceptor liposomes employs the learn more framework of chemical reaction kinetics. We note that due to the generally slow release kinetics of poorly water-soluble drugs, we can treat the aqueous solution as spatially uniform at all times. Hence, no combined diffusion-reaction kinetics [36] needs to be included in our model. 2.1. Transfer through Collisions Only Our model for the collision-mediated drug transfer between liposomes starts with the detailed distribution of drug molecules among all liposomes. We introduce the number dj of donor liposomes that Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical carry j drug molecules. An analogous definition is used for the number aj of acceptor liposomes that carry j drug molecules. The index j

is confined to the region 0 ≤ j ≤ m where m is the maximal number of drug molecules that a liposome can carry. The time-dependent distribution functions dj = dj(t) and aj = aj(t) represent a full microscopic knowledge Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of the kinetics of drug transfer. The total numbers of donor liposomes Nd, acceptor liposomes Na, drug molecules residing in donor liposomes Md, and drug molecules residing in acceptor liposomes Ma, can be calculated on the basis of the distribution functions dj = dj(t) and aj = aj(t) according to Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Nd  =∑j=0mdj,  Na=∑j=0maj,Md=∑j=0mjdj,  Ma=∑j=0mjaj. (1) Mathematically, Nd and Na are Dacomitinib the zeroth-moments of the distributions functions dj = dj(t) and aj = aj(t) whereas Md and Ma appear as the corresponding first moments. We assume that Nd and Na are constant (i.e., independent of time), and so then is the total number of liposomes N = Nd + Na. This is appropriate if fusion and fission between liposomes can be ignored. Due to our focus on poorly water-soluble drug molecules, it is also justified to assume that the total number of drug molecules carried by all liposomes, M = Md + Ma, is constant. That is, we neglect the small fraction of drug molecules that reside in the aqueous phase without being bound to a liposome. Figure 2 schematically illustrates a specific exemplification of the system.

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