3) Combining the three catchments allows us to get a complete pi

3). Combining the three catchments allows us to get a complete picture of the potential impact of anthropogenic disturbances in land cover for the Ecuadorian Andes. Three sites were selected for this study (Table 1). The Llavircay catchment (24 km2), the first site, is located in the Eastern Ecuadorian Cordillera. The two other study sites, the Virgen Yacu and Panza catchments (respectively 11 and 30 km2) are located within the Pangor catchment (283 km3) in the Western Cordillera

(Fig. 4). Topography is rather similar in the three sites. Elevation varies from 1438 m to 4427 m in Pangor and from 2017 m to 3736 m in Llavircay. Rivers are deeply incised and slope gradients are very steep (Fig. 4) with half of the slopes having Dabrafenib slope gradients above 25° in Pangor and with one third see more of the Llavircay slopes above the mean angle of internal friction (estimated at 30° according to Basabe, 1998). The bedrock geology is composed of meta-volcanic and meta-sedimentary rocks; with andesite, rhyolite, limestone, conglomerate and chert in Pangor and phyllite, shale and quartzite in Llavircay. The Pangor catchment is exposed to the Pacific Ocean and influenced by El Niño. The climate can be described as equatorial mesothermic semi-humid to humid ( Pourrut, 1994). Mean annual precipitation is about 1400 mm but there is a high inter-annual

variability, with annual precipitation ranging between 475 mm (2002) and 3700 mm (1994) ( INAMHI, 2009). On the other hand, the Llavircay catchment is subjected to a warm and humid tropical climate ( Winckell O-methylated flavonoid et al., 1997) with mean annual precipitation of about 1330 mm and few inter-annual variability ( INAMHI, 2009). Detailed land cover maps of the three sites were constructed from aerial photographs, field surveys and a very high resolution image (for Pangor only). Aerial photographs at a 1:60,000 scale were available from the Instituto Geografico Militar for the years 1963, 1977 and 1989 (for Pangor) and 1963, 1973,

1983 and 1995 (for Llavircay). The very high resolution WorldviewII image was taken the 10th of September 2010 and has a spatial resolution of 2 m for multi-spectral bands and 0.5 m for panchromatic band. Field trips were realised in 2008, 2010 and 2011 to complete and validate the detailed land cover mapping. The land cover classification on aerial photographs was performed manually using a WILD stereoscope following Vanacker et al. (2000). The Worldview image was classified using visual interpretation of different false colour composite (band compositing) in ArcGIS. Spectral response patterns, texture analysis of the photographs (Lillesand and Keifer, 1994 and Gagnmon, 1974) and field validation allowed to distinguish eight land cover classes (Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and Fig.

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