74 visits). Breast feeding was
generally above average in this population (67%). The average TNF-Alpha Pathway frequency of feeding the child with solid or semisolid food within 24 h was 2.59. Immunisation rates were high among this population. BCG, which is given at birth, was as high as 94%. Additionally, 87.7% of children older than three months had received all their DPT vaccination and 85.6% received polio 3 vaccinations. For children older than 9 months, 86.7% received their measles vaccination. Fewer children in the sample received iron supplement (29.0%). The use of drugs for intestinal parasites was low (37.2%), probably because the children in the sample were relatively young. With regard to water and sanitation, 22.2% of this population did not have access to improved source of water and 47% used unimproved sanitation facilities. Also, a high proportion of mothers (63%) used inappropriate ways to dispose of the youngest child’s
stool. Table 1 Characteristics of the sample (N=1187), continuous variables Table 2 Characteristics of the sample (N=1187), categorical variables Bivariate analysis of the association between CCP and HAZ Bivariate analysis was carried out to examine the associations between CCP and children’s nutritional status. The results show a strong positive association between care practices and child HAZ (β=0.12, t=3.73, p<0.001). Multivariate analysis of the determinants of children's nutritional status The results of the HAZ regression analyses are presented in table 3. The analysis was guided by the framework described earlier and the presentation of results in table 3 follows the framework. In models A and B, both basic and contextual factors were significant predictors of HAZ —maternal age, number of children under 5 years and place of residence were positively associated with HAZ, while child's age was negatively associated with HAZ. Model (C) tested the main effects of resources after controlling for basic and contextual factors. Only maternal weight and WI were significantly associated with HAZ. Model (D) tested for a main
effect of CCP, which was a significant predictor of HAZ after adjustment for maternal and child basic factors, context and resources. A 1-unit increase in CCP score was associated with a 0.17-unit increase in HAZ. To establish if some subgroups in the sample benefit more from CCP than others, an interaction analysis was Batimastat carried out between the CCP variable and child’s sex, WI, maternal education, maternal occupation and place of residence. No significant interactions were observed (results not shown). Table 3 Multivariate analysis of determinants of nutritional status of children in Ghana, aged 6–36 months Discussion We examined the influence of CCP on children’s HAZ, controlling for covariates and potentially confounding factors at child, maternal, household and community levels as suggested by the UNICEF framework for childcare.