Competing interests:

Competing interests: selleck inhibitor None. Ethics approval: The Ethics Committee of the National Hospital Organization Tochigi Medical Center, Tochigi, Japan. Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. Data sharing statement: Extra data

can be accessed via the Dryad data repository at with the doi:10.5061/dryad.sg83p.

While there is growing evidence of the superior effectiveness of lifestyle interventions initiated early in childhood,1–3 one of the main barriers in conducting such interventions is parents’ lack of recognition of, or concern about, obesity in children. Parents’ difficulties in perceiving children’s body sizes accurately have been demonstrated since the early 2000s, across many countries, cultures and child ages.4–6 A recent study of over 16 000 children aged 2–9 years from eight European countries has shown that, among parents of overweight

children, 63% perceived their children’s weights as ‘proper’, independent of educational level.7 Moreover, a meta-analysis of 69 studies on parental perceptions of children’s body weights showed that half of the parents underestimated their children’s weight.8 Most studies have applied a quantitative approach to describe parents’ miscategorisation of children’s weight status; however, the underlying factors have not been identified conclusively.6 To date, only two studies9 10 have used in-depth interviews to examine how parents make sense of children’s body weights and their health implications.

In their study of low-income mothers, Jain et al9 have shown that most mothers did not worry about their children’s body weights if the children were active and socially accepted; the mothers, moreover, distrusted paediatric growth charts, and attributed childhood obesity to genetics, rather than to factors modifiable in the home environment. Misinterpretation of growth charts was also highlighted by Rich et al,10 who found that 80% of parents perceived their child as healthy although the child’s weight was at the 95th centile. These parents, notably, were aware of obesity-related health risks. More recently, focus groups revealed Anacetrapib that, in assessing their children’s body sizes, parents tend not to rely on clinical measurements; rather, they often compare their children visually to other children, whose body sizes can be defined as extreme, thus skewing their perceptions of what a healthy body size is.11 So far, existing research on parental perceptions of children’s body weights has focused almost exclusively on mothers, and has not examined the critical influence of other family members, such as fathers and grandparents.12 Since family-based interventions have been proposed as the most effective approach to treating child obesity13 14 knowledge about how other adult caretakers perceive and discuss young children’s body weights will contribute to understanding familial barriers to treatment.

g , what range of values is appropriate given a particular uncert

g., what range of values is appropriate given a particular uncertainty environment (i.e., point cloud density or level of system noise?). However, separatrices computed from vector fields have been shown to be robust with respect to some kinds of noise.25, 27 Similarly, our work, described below in Sec. 3, suggests the same is true for separatrices computed from individual trajectories, making them attractive for use in experimental data analysis where noise sensitivity is an important issue.4, 14, 17 Extracting and characterizing boundaries from the FTLE field A systematic method for not only extracting��but also characterizing��dynamical boundaries or LCS is useful for tracking and identifying individual features that may merit further analysis.

Once the FTLE field is available using the method described above, it can be analyzed as a height field. The problem of extracting LCS then becomes the detection of the ridges in this height field. For some systems, FTLE ridges can be determined by visual inspection of the field. For other systems, the FTLE can be very complicated, warranting automated methods. Different approaches have been used to highlight and illustrate ridges in FTLE fields; these methods focus on visualization of the ridge.39, 53 Here we adopt the method proposed by Ref. 51 where the ridges are detected and categorized in terms of their strength per unit length. LCS detection algorithm Consider initially a FTLE field over a two-dimensional phase space.

A point x belonging to a one-dimensional ridge of the FTLE field has to satisfy the following set of equations: ��min(x)<0,?��(x)?vmin(x)=0, (7) where ��min(x) is the minimum magnitude eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix 2��(x) with corresponding eigenvalue vmin(x). These conditions can be interpreted as the first derivative in the direction transverse to the ridge axis is equal to zero (i.e., a local maximum/minimum) and the second derivative in the transverse direction is negative (i.e., the curvature is negative when the field is at a local maximum in the transverse direction). The conditions in higher dimension are given in Ref. 51. The algorithm for detecting and classifying a ridge consists of five steps: scale-space representation and ridge point detection, dynamical sharpening, connecting ridge points into ridge curves, choice of best scale, and classification of ridges (by, e.

g., phase space barrier strength). The scale-space representation consists of a convolution of the function ��C2(R2,R) with a Gaussian kernel gC2(R2,R), ��a(x)=g(x;a)?��(x), (8) where a determines the value of the scale and the Gaussian kernel gC2(R2,R) is given by g(x;a)=12��a2exp[?(|x|22a2)]. Anacetrapib (9) This produces smoother images with the parameter a controlling the level of filtering. The points satisfying the ridge test conditions 7 are collected and they become the initial condition for the dynamical sharpening step.

In addition, according to previous studies, propolis prevents den

In addition, according to previous studies, propolis prevents dental caries and periodontal disease, since it demonstrated significant antimicrobial activity against the microorganisms involved in such diseases. These results give hope to us that propolis, a natural product, can be used for oral rehabilitation of patients for various purposes.
The extraction of a tooth requires that the surrounding alveolar bone be expanded to allow an unimpeded pathway for tooth removal. However, in generally the small bone parts are removed with the tooth instead of expanding.1�C4 Fracture of a large portion of bone in the maxillary tuberosity area is a situation of special concern. The maxillary tuberosity is especially important for the stability of maxillary denture.

2,3 Large fractures of the maxillary tuberosity should be viewed as a grave complication. The major therapeutic goal of management is to salvage the fractured bone in place and to provide the best possible environment for healing.3 Routine treatment of the large maxillary tuberosity fractures is to stabilize the mobile part(s) of bone with one of rigid fixation techniques for 4 to 6 weeks. Following adequate healing, a surgical extraction procedure may be attempted. However, if the tooth is infected or symptomatic at the time of the tuberosity fracture, the extraction should be continued by loosening the gingival cuff and removing as little bone as possible while attempting to avoid separation of the tuberosity from the periosteum.

If the attempt to remove the attached bone is unsuccessful and the infected tooth is delivered with the attached tuberosity, the tissues should be closed with watertight sutures because there may not be a clinical oroantral communication. The surgeon may elect to graft the area after 4 to 6 weeks of healing and postoperative antibiotic therapy. If the tooth is symptomatic but there is no frank sign of purulence or infection, the surgeon may elect to attempt to use the attached bone as an autogenous graft.5 There are many reports about complication of the tooth extraction in the literature, but only a few cases are about maxillary tuberosity fractures. The purpose of this paper is to present a case of maxillary tuberosity large fracture during extraction of first maxillary molar tooth, because of high possibility in dental practice but being rare in literature.

CASE REPORT A 28-year-old Caucasian male was referred to our clinic by the patient��s general dental practitioner (GDP) after the practitioner attempted to extract the patient��s upper right first molar tooth with forceps. He was a healthy young man with no history of significant medical problems. In dental examination; the maxillary right first, second and third Entinostat molars were elevated and mobile, so the patient was unable to close his mouth (Figure 1). An oroantral communication and bleeding from right nostril were present.

Table 1 shows the frequencies of the tested parameters in the 118

Table 1 shows the frequencies of the tested parameters in the 118 examined patients. Y-27632 2HCL The patients�� results almost equally split into the three SES groups. CP-I events were almost equally distributed by gender, ranging from 21.1 to 23%. Table 1 Frequencies of tested parameters in the whole population and socioeconomic groups The statistical analysis of systemic/lifestyle indices showed a significant positive correlation of Gly with BMI (P < 0.001); SBP with age (P < 0.019), BMI (P < 0.001), and Gly (P < 0.001); DBP with age (P < 0.025), BMI (P < 0.001), Gly (P < 0.001), and SBP (P < 0.001); CP-I with SBP (P < 0.037) and DBP (P < 0.012). The analysis showed instead, a significant negative correlation of NCD with SES (P < 0.001) and age (P < 0.015), Gly with gender (P < 0.015) and NCD (P < 0.

029); SBP with gender (P < 0.006); DBP with gender (P < 0.001) and NCD (P < 0.021). The correlative statistical analysis of systemic/lifestyle against dental indices showed a significant positive correlation of NMT with age (P < 0.001), NCD (P < 0.008), and SBP (P < 0.040); NDS with NCD (P < 0.001), Gly (P < 0.028), and DBP (P < 0.013); PSR with BMI (P < 0.022), NCD (P < 0.001), Gly (P < 0.001), SBP (P < 0.001), and DBP (P < 0.001). The correlative analysis showed instead a significant negative correlation of NMT with SES (P < 0.002); NDS with SES (P < 0.001); NFS with age (P < 0.031) and gender (P < 0.049); PSR with SES (P < 0.008). The statistical analysis of dental indices showed a significant positive correlation of NFS with NDS (P < 0.001); PSR with NMT (P < 0.001); NDS (P < 0.

001), and NFS (P < 0.001). The analysis showed instead a significant negative correlation of NFS with NMT (P < 0.047). The system of regression equation of systemic/lifestyle indices [Table 2] highlighted: Table 2 Coefficients and P values for the four seemingly unrelated regressions - 1 year increase of age produced a statistical decrease of about 1/9 dental element; - 1 cigarette per day (NCD unit) increase produced about 1/20 PSR increase; - 1 glycemic point (unit) increase produced about 1/100 PSR increase; - 1 mmHg (SBP) increase produced about 0.6% NDS nonlinear decrease; - 1 mmHg (DBP) increase produced about 1/70 PSR increase. - 1 SES unit increase produced about 2 NMT decrease, 2/3 NDS decrease, 4/5 NFS decrease, and about 1/3 PSR increase; The system of regression equation of dental indices [Table 2] highlighted: - 1 missing tooth (NMT unit) produced 1/2 NFS decrease, NDS nonlinear decrease (about 4.

4% for the first unit of NMT), and about 1/10 PSR increase; – 1 decayed surface (NDS unit) increase produced about 1 NMT decrease Batimastat and about 1/4 PSR increase; – 1 filled surface (NFS unit) increase produced 1.14 NMT decrease and about 1/7 PSR increase; – 1 PSR unit increase produced about 5 NMT increase, NDS nonlinear increase (about 200% for the first unit of PSR), and about 3 NFS increase.

The tomograms precisely indicated that the crown of the right mac

The tomograms precisely indicated that the crown of the right macrodont pre-molar was aligned lingually and was in very close proximity to the root of the moreover first premolar. Both the 2- and 3-dimensional tomographic images con-firmed that the second premolars had multitubercular crowns and single conical roots with a large, single root canal space (Figure 3). Figure 3 Cone beam CT scans of the macrodont premolars: A. Frontal view, B. Horizontal view. 3D tomograms of the jaws (C), and the right (D) and left (E) macrodont premolars, showing their position, size and morphology. The teeth were surgically removed in 2 consecutive sessions under local anesthesia. Both teeth were sectioned at the cervical level before elevation due to abnormal dimension of the tooth crowns (Figure 4).

Healing was uneventful in both the cases. The crowns of the extracted premolars measured 15.3 mm (right) and 13.16 mm (left) mesiodistally, and 10.7 mm (right) and 10.5 mm (left) buccolingually. After 2 months, fixed appliance therapy was initiated by the orthodontist to correct malocclusion. DISCUSSION Being an extremely rare condition,13 macrodontia of mandibular second premolars has been reported exclusively in children (8�C14 years) with only 1 exception.8 Indeed, disturbances with the eruption of macrodont second premolars and concomitant disruption of developing occlusion or alveolar/gingival enlargement become evident before or between the ages of 11 and 12, when the eruption of mandibular second premolars usually occurs.

10 Thus, any intervention should be completed before maturity, and, in light of previous reports, extraction appears to be the only available intervention.10,12,13 Following extraction, orthodontic treatment should be started in a timely manner due to disturbances in the arch and occlusion after surgical intervention.12,18 The interpretation of conventional radiographs is dependent on the clinician��s appreciation as well as his/her knowledge and experience in assessing 2-dimensional images. Radiographic images may fail to locate accurately some anomalies relative to neighboring teeth because of superimposition of adjacent structures. In the present case, the conventional radiographs provided insufficient information to diagnose accurately the location of the macrodont premolars in the vertical and horizontal plane, as well as their exact relationship to the neighboring teeth and inferior alveolar verve.

Supplementing plain view radiography with CBCT demonstrated great usefulness in showing the 3-dimensional orientation of impacted Drug_discovery premolars within the alveolus, while allowing for detailed, non-destructive investigation of tooth morphology. The additional dose to the patient from the CBCT investigation can be justified by the present case; the information gained was of clear benefit in planning the surgical technique, particularly, in the macrodont left premolar.